Monday, November 8, 2010 | | 2 comments

Flush the Potty Humor!

I'm ashamed to say that my 4-year-old son already has a propensity toward potty humor.  Ugh!  We don't use potty humor in our household, so I'm left to assume that there is something innate in little boys that tends toward finding humor in bodily functions.  I don't pretend to understand it, but I have observed this tendency throughout my life.  I remember little boys from my childhood giggling over noises and substances that I won't mention here.  I also babysat frequently during my teenage years and recall similar instances.  So, why should I be surprised when my youngster happens to find potty humor amusing too?  I guess my hopes that he would come out of the womb with a natural tendency toward gentlemanliness are shattered.

So, 'what to do' as a mommy who wants to teach her little guy to be sensible and wise, manly, yet meek?  Some people may think that I'm being too nit-picky, not allowing him to just be a little boy.  Well, to that I say, let the Bible shed light on this matter.

Proverbs 22:15 - Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; 
The rod of discipline will remove it far from him.

Now that we've let the Bible establish for us that our children are born fools, let's see what it says about inappropriate humor.

Ephesians 5:3-4 - But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.

I'll tell you how my husband and I handle it, when our son attempts to make humor out of a bodily function.  First of all, we DO NOT LAUGH.  Why?  Because it's not funny.  It's a bodily function, like eating, sleeping, or walking.  If we giggle, we will only encourage him.  I understand that it may be amusing that our kids minds come up with the things they do, but use self-control!  Save your laughter for the things that you don't mind them repeating.  So, after we control any temptation to laugh or smile, we look at him with a very serious look (not stern, just serious), and say, "Ethan, that is not funny.  It's not funny that you go potty, it's just something that God made our bodies to do."  Oftentimes, it ends there, or he may ask a question about it.  When he asks questions, I try to stick to the policy of starting my answer with the word "God," because God is the beginning and end of all things, so He should be at the center of our conversations with our children.  I may say, "God wants our words to be pure and a blessing to others.  Potty is yucky, so it's not a blessing to others for you to talk about it."

Unfortunately, we live in a society where crass humor has become, not only acceptable, but lauded and common.  Too often, Christians fall in line with the rest of the world, and find humor and amusement in things that don't honor God.  Common courtesy has become uncommon, and a true gentleman is a rare gem.  Moms, join me in raising your little guys to be a rare breed.  Squelch their desire to entertain people with foul, impolite topics.  Teach them to think on and talk about things that are pure and edifying to those around them.  Laughter is a blessing in our home, but we never have to compromise on the principles in God's Word to find joy, and neither do you!

Friday, October 8, 2010 | | 0 comments

Ode to Fall

Before I get started on one of my favorite topics, autumn, let me address some of the goofy issues I’ve had with my comments.  Now that they ARE working, they’re still in a weird place - at the top of each post, not the bottom.  It’s related to the template I chose, and I’ve tried to fix it, but it won’t be fixed.  So, I’ll ditch this template soon, and design something different, but that task won’t fit on today’s ‘To Do’ list.  Until then, you’ll just have to scroll back up to leave a comment.

Now, onto the fun stuff!  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I begin daydreaming about fall (or autumn - whichever you prefer to call it.  I like both names!) way back in August, okay, maybe even as early as July.  I am so glad that God created our world with such a variety, but of the four seasons, fall is by far my favorite!
Some of my family's fall fun

Why is it my favorite?  For the simple reason that it LOOKS GOOD, FEELS GOOD, SOUNDS GOOD, SMELLS GOOD, AND TASTES GOOD!  I really think that autumn (see how I switched up which name I used - keeping you on your toes!) is a smorgasbord of delights for all of the senses.  In case you’re not convinced of this yet, or you just like to muse on how wonderful fall is also, I’ve brainstormed everything that I love about fall and broken them down into the categories of our five senses.  Maybe this list will stir you to enjoy something new about autumn this year!
Looks Good
  • Leaves - Turning amazing colors of gold, orange, and red
  • Pumpkins - They’re just plain adorable.
  • Home decor - I love decorating with natural things, like pumpkins, gourds, leaves, acorns, indian corn.
  • Flowers - Mums and other fall flowers add nice touches of color indoors and out.
  • Bright green grass - The grass is so brilliantly green this time of year, love it!

Feels Good
  • Fresh cool air - After the sweltering heat of August, the crisp cool air is so refreshing!
  • Warm fires - If you get a little chilled, the best way to warm up is next to a fire.
  • Socks - I love sandals, but slipping warm socks on again in the fall feels really good.
  • Sweaters - Same thing goes for sweaters; I love pulling them out again, so cozy!

Sounds Good
  • Crunching leaves - Who doesn’t love that sound?  I purposely kick them up with my feet when I walk through them.
  • Crackling fire - One of life’s simplest pleasures!  Wasn’t it good of God to make a source of heat that cooks food, looks pretty, smells good, and sounds good (this one fits many categories!)?
  • Wind - I love the sound of the wind rustling through the trees on an autumn day.
  • Rain - I hear some groans on this one, but I love the sound, look, and smell of rain.
  • Beautiful music - This is a good time of year for pretty instrumental music, Celtic music, or romantic jazz.

Smells Good
  • Candles - I love the smells of spices and pumpkin, not to mention the glow (personal favs: Yankee’s Pumpkin Spice, Autumn Leaves, and Fall Festival (apparently Yankee has the same dilemma I do between 'fall'/'autumn'))
  • Wet leaves - I know they stick to your shoes and get tracked inside, but they do smell good!
  • Fireplaces/Firepits - I know, I’ve covered this already, but I LOVE sitting by a fire.
  • Damp morning air - I just think the air this time of year smells amazing!

Tastes Good (if you weren’t convinced that fall was great before, this list should do it for you!)
  • Apples - Pies, crisps, cider, cider donuts, caramel apples, apple pancakes; need I say more?
  • Pumpkin - Pumpkin pie, bread, scones, pancakes, ice cream, soup, and crisp (yes, crisp. I have a great recipe for Pumpkin Crisp that I’ll have to post)
  • Spices - Cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, allspice, cloves; they all taste and smell great!
  • Maple - Maple syrup (real, not Mrs. Butterworth’s) is always yummy, but especially now.  Try it over homemade oatmeal, in vinaigrettes, or on bread pudding!
  • Pecans - Pecan pie is my personal favorite, but pecans are great in salads, breads, pancakes, etc.
  • Pork - I love pork with fried apples, applesauce, or sauteed peaches!  Add in some mashed potatoes, and you’re set!
  • Coffee - Pumpkin latte, Maple latte, or Cinnamon Dolce latte anyone?

If I missed one of your favorites, please let me know!  I'm always looking to enjoy fall/autumn as much as possible.

Some visual reminders of autumn's joys!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 | | 1 comments

Extraordinary Wishes for the Ordinary Day

Maybe you’ve got it all together (although, I like to think that nobody really does).  Or, maybe you’re in good company with me, wishing to be a female superhero of sorts, but finding that when you wake up and look in the mirror in the morning, your cape, spandex, and superpowers are missing. (Okay, maybe the missing spandex is a good thing!)
I guess it’s a good reminder that I wasn’t made for this world and that I’m going to struggle with my flesh each and every day.  Jesus put it this way in Matthew 26:41:
“Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
In my weakness, I struggle everyday to face life with the spirit God wants me to.  My wish list for each day of my life looks something like this -

Everyday, I wish that
  • I woke up with energy, to a clean house, with the coffee already made 
  • I could always think of the perfect thing to have for dinner
  • I had a little more of Martha Stewart and the Pioneer Woman in me
  • I knew how to handle every disciplinary moment with my kids
  • I looked forward to exercising
  • I had mandatory nap time
  • That just glaring at weeds made them shrivel up and die
  • Doing dishes was considered a heroic deed
  • I felt like changing diapers
  • That saying “Bibbity-bobbity-boo” was all it took to transform me from my housework look into something presentable
  • I enjoyed doing laundry
  • My kitchen came equipped with a sous chef and a clean up crew
  • I dealt with my children’s whining/crying with more patience
When I struggle with these feelings of weakness, it’s an opportunity for me to thank God for the following promises:
II Corinthians 12:9 - And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
I’m glad that I’m under God’s grace and that He’s not finished working on me yet! When I struggle to be the kind of woman God wants me to be, I have to CHOOSE to walk in the Spirit and obey God’s Word.  The result isn’t only a clean house, dinner made, clean laundry, no weeds, a happy husband, etc, which all make me feel good.  The result is joy in my heart, because I’m fulfilling the very purpose I was created for - to glorify God by living in obedience to Him!

Thursday, September 30, 2010 | | 2 comments

Commercial Time!

My sister and I have talked about how the best commercials are the ones from real people who have used a product and genuinely like it.  My sister just happens to be the best at giving these kinds of commercials, because when she really likes a product she raves about it, and usually goes out and buys a few extras as gifts for people she loves.  I love hearing from others (ie. YOU) about things that could make my life a little easier, or perhaps just a little more fun.  So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite things around my house to get the ball rolling, then I'd like to hear/see the things that you 'can't live without.'

Disclaimer: I am not being paid one red cent (unfortunately) by any of these products' manufacturers!

We'll start with the least glamorous, but most used item.  I actually asked for this for my last birthday, which tells you a lot about where I'm at in life.  It's my Shark Stick Vacuum, which runs on a rechargeable battery and has an adjustable length ergonomic handle.  It swivels nicely under furniture (mostly my dining table), and comes with extra washable filters.  It's in daily use in my household.  Add it to your next birthday wish list!  

Next item on the list has nothing to do with chores; it's all about family time and relaxation!  I love our outdoor firepit!  There's nothing better than sitting out on a cool evening with my family around a fire - it gives the feeling of camping right in our backyard.  (Bargain Tip: wait until late in summer to purchase one when they're clearanced to make room for back-to-school and holiday items)

This morning, I found out that today is National Coffee Day - a commemoration that I'll gladly take part in!  So, my next product is in honor of this fine holiday - it's my ceramic to-go mug that looks like a coffee shop paper cup.  I purchased it at Cost Plus World Market.  I love this cup because it fits into my car's cup holder nicely, it's microwave safe, it's dishwasher safe, and the girly design on it ensures that my husband won't steal it.  BTW, they also have non-girly designs, one of which I bought for my husband.

Now, on to the kitchen - I recently made a purchase in my pursuit toward better nutrition that gets regular use in our home.  My hubby uses it as much as I do!  It's called a Misto, and I bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond (with a coupon, of course!) when it was on sale.  It cost me $8 after discounts, and it will pay for itself with what I will save on non-stick cooking spray and olive oil.  It's a sprayer for oils, vinegars, and citrus juices.  You fill the can about half way full, pump the lid, and then spray.  We keep ours full of olive oil, which saves us from using wasteful amounts to coat a pan or toss veggies in.  

We're going to hang out in the kitchen for one more item - my George Foreman grill!  These things really are great; they cut cooking time, keep meat moist, and drain off excess fat.  We also use ours for paninis, and who doesn't love a warm melty sandwich?!  

And last, but certainly not least, where would I be without this amazing machine (MacBook) that allows me to post this blog, edit my photos, etc?  It's super light-weight, quick, has fun tools (like the budgeting template that my husband is now obsessed with), and just makes life easier!

Perhaps you saw something in this grouping that could make your life a bit simpler, or a bit more fun.  Let me know what you're loving around your house!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 | | 1 comments

Grumbling and Complaining - Who ME?

As I mentioned in my profile, I have three little boys.  Their ages are 4 (just turned 2 days ago), 23 months, and 4 1/2 months.  As you may imagine, they keep me busy, and sometimes I can forget to reflect on all of the blessings in the midst of the busyness.  For instance, the little voice in my head (No, I don't hear voices. Notice I used the singular form, referencing my own thoughts) will say things such as, "Didn't I JUST clean this up? You've got to be kidding me!"  Or, "Nothing I ever do seems to stay done.  All I do is laundry, dishes, diapers, cooking, and cleaning.  When do I get a break?"  Unfortunately, sometimes those thoughts escape my brain and come out of my mouth too.  I've even found myself spending the first several minutes of car rides (in which I was the sole parent getting the boys out the door) asking my sons' forgiveness for being impatient.
So, why the online confession?  Because God has been working in my heart, reminding me of some truths that should transform my spirit as I do His will.  I know what I'm doing as a wife and a mother IS His will because Titus 2:3-5 says:
Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.
When I read through that text, my purpose is described - loving my husband, loving my children, working at my home, but also, the attitude I'm supposed to carry as I fulfill that purpose is explained.  I'm to be sensible, pure, kind, and submissive, with the purpose of honoring God and His Word.  Another passage that has been coming to mind is the simple, but pointed Philippians 2:14-15:
 Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world.
Why should it surprise me when my 4 year-old complains about cleaning up his toys, if he hears me complaining about cleaning up the dinner table?  I have 6 little eyes and 6 little ears witnessing all that I do and say, and that should motivate me to make sure that they are seeing and hearing Christ in me as I cook, clean, change diapers, etc.  I don't want to forget the amazing privilege it is to have these three little disciples in my house, whose lives God has trusted me with the opportunity of shaping.  No singular person will influence them in the way that I can!  That's mind-blowing when you really think about it!  I continually remind myself that Christ came to serve, not to be served.  He washed His disciples feet, and not only did He wash them, He offered to, without complaining, but with beautiful humility and love.  I have had plenty of opportunities to wash my three little disciples feet too (and a whole lot more), but did I have that same spirit of serving with humility as I did it?  
Instead of feeling sorry for myself for the myriad of tasks that each of my days contain, I want to embrace my 'To Do' list with gratitude in my heart for the opportunity to bless my husband and my three little disciples.  I don't want to see my home life as tedious and repetitive, but as a journey for my family, where God has given me the opportunity to lead my children into wisdom and godliness - and what better way to lead them than by my example?

Friday, September 24, 2010 | | 0 comments

Rookie Blogger

I have much to learn - in life (like anyone else), but more specifically, in the world of blogging.  It may take me some time to figure out fully how to navigate this new world and become effective at it, so please be patient.  Or, just mark your calendar for 6 months from now, when I might finally be up to speed, and check back then.  I decided to blog because there is such an opportunity to learn and be encouraged by others on similar journeys.  Being a wife and a mother, I am always looking for simple advice in a variety of areas - spiritual wisdom, bargain shopping, parenting, cooking, organization, creating a lovely home, time management, etc.  So, as I learn, I'll pass along what I see as valuable.  I hope to be able to share a bit of my journey as I strive to be God's kind of woman, and perhaps it will encourage someone, make someone laugh, or best of all, make them want to be more like Jesus too.